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“NATO Is Covering the Current Problem from A More Political Space” - Gustavo De Arístegui

Gustavo de Arístegui is a Spanish politician, diplomat and an international analyst. Gustavo de Arístegui is the former ambassador of Spain in India. According to Gustavo de Arístegui, issues in which NATO is involved as a novelty i.e., the fight against climate change, cybersecurity, immigration on the southern flank, the use of energy as blackmail etc are all part of the geostrategy.

Gustavo de Arístegui
Gustavo de Arístegui

He also said that he left innovation in the pipeline so as not to lose technological superiority. Gustavode Arístegui started to speak with the latter, and continued with the former. “The technological superiority is evident, when one is looking at the list of the world's leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence, which is the next industrial revolution of the top ten there are seven Chinese, one Israeli, one American and one European, this should make us reflect. In the same way that at one point in the 1980s the Chinese produced ten times more than the Americans, that is no longer the case. We Europeans must get on the bandwagon of the production, preparation and design of a sixth-generation fighter plane because if we don’t, we will be left out”, the former diplomat says.

Gustavo de Arístegui also says that what people do not realize is that the manufacture of Taifun has been one of the elements that has kept Europe at the forefront of technology. If Europe fails to jump on the sixth-generation aircraft bandwagon, we will have lost that battle forever. Issues such as climate change, immigration, etc., all of this forms part of the geostrategy. Climate change forces massive immigration, when there is no longer pasture for the shepherds, the shepherds move to where there are farms and there is a confrontation between the shepherds and the farmers, as happened in the United States in the expansion to the west. In addition, as they are of different religions, the gurus of the West speak of a war of religions, they do not realize that climate change has caused these migrations and that it has to do with the lack of pasture and not with religion.

Finally, Gustavo deArístegui also mentions about the problem of water, if there is a new war in the Middle East it will not be over territories, but it will be by water and this is an increasingly pressing reality. The concept of security must take into account that many of the countries most affected by these risks today are part of that list, which in English is made up of the acronym "MNNA" (Major Non-NATO Ally), a list of thirty-odd countries, including Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco.


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